The Indian version of ‘lifestyle’ is climbing upthe evolutionary ladder. Anjelika Kripalani,Managing Director and Interior Designer,Renaisaance Homez, Delhi, says, “During the last15 years there has been a pragmatic shift in theconcept of lifestyle stores. After 1995 the Indiangovernment banned imported furniture. In 2002,it changed the policy and imported furniturebegan to come into the country and becamepart of the merchandise. At that time there werehardly 4-5 players in the country that could bedefined as lifestyle stores. As the product basketwidened and the number of stores soared, therewas further experimentation.”While for some, these experiments were akin toclimbing up a greasy pole due to their inabilityto gauge the dynamics of rapidly changingconsumer preferences, others seemed to ridethe wave of post-liberalization consumerism.According to Raseel Gujral Ansal, Creative Head,Casa Paradox Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, a lifestyle storeis something that has furniture, soft furnishings,home accessories and artifacts, giftware, andperhaps some clothing. “There are multiplevendors supplying to one roof and these couldbe indigenous or imports. That’s generally howa lifestyle store is perceived here as well as inthe rest of the world,” she adds. Priti Sayeed,Business Head, BoConcept India, Gurgaon says,“Lifestyle stores reflect people’s self image or selfconcept, the way they see themselves and believethey are seen by the others. Lifestyle stores are animportant factor in determining how consumersmake their purchase decisions.”
shopping place that combines the magnetismof high-end retail, dining and entertainmentand is oriented towards upscale consumers.He says, “They offer apparel, home goods,books and music and many more amenities.However, lifestyle stores in India are largely aone-stop destination for products positionedas lifestyle, such as furniture, furnishings andhome decorative perceived as representing style,comfort and individuality, appealing to a varietyof taste and preferences.” Rashida Baker Asrani,Managing Director, ABACA - Indo Italian FurnitureCo. Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, adds, “In India ‘lifestyle’was earlier associated more with clothes, bags,shoes and fashion. Today lifestyle includes homedécor, kitchen accessories and has more to dowith a holistic lifestyle, hence retailers try to offera whole range of products which would enhanceone’s sense of style and aesthetics.”Asim Dalal, Managing Director, The BombayStore, Mumbai, feels the earlier concept of highstreet and departmental stores has now evolved

The Indian version of ‘lifestyle’ is climbing upthe evolutionary ladder. Anjelika Kripalani,Managing Director and Interior Designer,Renaisaance Homez, Delhi, says, “During the last15 years there has been a pragmatic shift in theconcept of lifestyle stores. After 1995 the Indiangovernment banned imported furniture. In 2002,it changed the policy and imported furniturebegan to come into the country and becamepart of the merchandise. At that time there werehardly 4-5 players in the country that could bedefined as lifestyle stores. As the product basketwidened and the number of stores soared, therewas further experimentation.”While for some, these experiments were akin toclimbing up a greasy pole due to their inabilityto gauge the dynamics of rapidly changingconsumer preferences, others seemed to ridethe wave of post-liberalization consumerism.According to Raseel Gujral Ansal, Creative Head,Casa Paradox Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, a lifestyle storeis something that has furniture, soft furnishings,home accessories and artifacts, giftware, andperhaps some clothing. “There are multiplevendors supplying to one roof and these couldbe indigenous or imports. That’s generally howa lifestyle store is perceived here as well as inthe rest of the world,” she adds. Priti Sayeed,Business Head, BoConcept India, Gurgaon says,“Lifestyle stores reflect people’s self image or selfconcept, the way they see themselves and believethey are seen by the others. Lifestyle stores are animportant factor in determining how consumersmake their purchase decisions.”
shopping place that combines the magnetismof high-end retail, dining and entertainmentand is oriented towards upscale consumers.He says, “They offer apparel, home goods,books and music and many more amenities.However, lifestyle stores in India are largely aone-stop destination for products positionedas lifestyle, such as furniture, furnishings andhome decorative perceived as representing style,comfort and individuality, appealing to a varietyof taste and preferences.” Rashida Baker Asrani,Managing Director, ABACA - Indo Italian FurnitureCo. Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, adds, “In India ‘lifestyle’was earlier associated more with clothes, bags,shoes and fashion. Today lifestyle includes homedécor, kitchen accessories and has more to dowith a holistic lifestyle, hence retailers try to offera whole range of products which would enhanceone’s sense of style and aesthetics.”Asim Dalal, Managing Director, The BombayStore, Mumbai, feels the earlier concept of highstreet and departmental stores has now evolved
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