IFJ Story shining bright :- k-lite industries .....
“Quality has been the first and the last word on

Describing their beginnings, Dilip Kumbhat says, “We began our journey in 1978. My father was an electrical engineer who traded in lighting products. After I completed my degree in engineering, I joined my father’s business. I was keen to steady development
Despite the ironic reality that the tag of being a ‘small scale industry, restricting manufacturers from expanding production facilities, currently, almost 95 percent of big brands in India do not manufacture their own products. Dilip Kumbhat explains, “The entire production is outsourced to smaller manufacturers and these big brands only market products. We have six production units in Chennai and our entire product range is sold under our brand name,” he adds with pride. K-LITE has grown in stature as an Indian brand for electrical luminaires, ranging from tiny halogen lamps to a range of fl uorescent light fi ttings. The product basket includes posttop lanterns, fl ood lights, street lights with mercury or sodium; apart from metal halide lamps for road lighting, industrial and other
applications. Dilip Kumbhat says, “K-LITE has an exclusive range of out-door luminaires and
we are proud to call it a standing testimony to our commitment to innovation, quality,
durability and proven performance. The outdoor luminaires, several of them designed for CFL, are very popular and extensively used in leading hotels and amusement parks. K-LITE
has the expertise to manufacture custom built luminaires.” He further adds, “We have made a foray into the production of LED luminaires, the lighting of the future. Plans are also afoot to go in for fi ber optic lighting.”

manufacture our own products and so we began with a small production unit for distribution boards and panel boards. It was a small fi nancial investment and there were giants in the market, some of whom are still around. It was not very easy to market our product at a higher level,” he says. As K-LITE products began to get noticed, they began the design and production of lighting fi xtures for Indian Railways, which continues to date. “There was no major breakthrough at anytime and we developed steadily, as we kept developing new products,” he says, adding that the major turbulence in the industry occurred in terms numbers and variety of products consequent to the allowance of free imports in the post liberalization period of the early and mid 90s. “Products from all over, especially from South East Asia fl ooded the Indian markets at unbelievable prices. Several manufacturers around Chennai had to shut down their production, and some of them even turned importers,” he says. “The imposition of anti dumping duty later corrected the scenario but this was an eye opener for many Indian manufacturers to perk up their designs and quality,” says Kumbhat.